Precipitation London
It will stay dry for now
12 Feb3° / 7°
13 Feb3° / 7°
At Meteoradar, you can find the most current and reliable radar images and precipitation charts for any location worldwide. It is possible to play the radar images at a faster speed, and a radar forecast for the next three hours is available. You can also pause and freeze the radar at a specific time.
How does the radar work? The real-time radar images are available every 5 minutes, and we provide a forecast for the next 3 hours ahead. Please note that the development of showers, the disappearance of showers, and the formation of new showers are not taken into account in this forecast. The forecast may change as the precipitation approaches. The radar detects precipitation by emitting radio waves. Based on this, a current radar image is formed, and this image is converted into a forecast based on air currents. Part of InfoplazaMeteoradar is a weather website operated by Infoplaza. Meteoradar is affiliated with the weather website and the satellite product
Infoplaza is one of the largest all-round meteorological service providers for media, consumers, governments, and businesses. Additionally, Infoplaza has a mobility division for public transport and traffic information.