On this radar, you can see the forecast for the next 2 or 3 hours, depending on the country. We are showing how the current showers and rain areas will continue to move in the upcoming hours, provided they remain as they are now. Therefore, please take into account the possibility of new showers forming and existing showers changing.
On this radar, you can see the precipitation forecast for the next 5 days. This forecast is based on the DWD Icon weather model.
On this radar, you can see the radar observations of the last 3 hours. You can see the development of showers and rain areas in the previous hours.
On this radar, you can see the radar observations of the last hour. You can see the development of showers and rain areas of the previous hour.
On this radar, you can see the radar observations of the last 24 hours. You can see the development of showers and rain areas of the previous day.
On this radar, you can see the total amount of precipitation that we expect in the next five days. The radar displays a cumulative image based on the ICON model data, where the precipitation total increases over time.